Graduation group of International students Aeres Training Centre International header

Graduation international students PTC 28th of february 2019


Graduation group of International students Aeres Training Centre International

Good news from Barneveld! A group of six students received their diploma or certificate this Thursday the 28th of February 2019. At the poultry section 2 students received their diploma for the sixth month course International Poultry Management and another student received an certificate for attending the Poultry Production module. 2 students received a diploma for the sixth month International Pig Management course and one student received an certificate for the Pig Production Technology course.


The participants came from six different countries. They left their home, family and friends to study far away. Here in Barneveld at Aeres Training Centre International (former PTC+) they attend their trainings program within the fields of Poultry and Pig that play an important role in the challenges the world is facing today.


These challenges concern the food safety and security. Our training programs are based on up-to-date knowledge and specific expertise on this matter and are according our motto ‘learning by doing’. With our training courses we strive to help the students grow as a person and as a professional. And with that we would like to contribute to the professional growth of organisations and agricultural sectors in countries all over the world. The knowledge and skills the students have acquired here will provide new opportunities for them back home.

Thanks and good luck!

On behalf of the whole Aeres Training Centre International team we wish these students all the best, safe travels to Bhutan, Ghana, the Philippines, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, and good luck with implementing the knowledge you have learned at our training centre!

Talent for growth