Knowledge organization

Aeres is the only “green” knowledge organization in the Netherlands. They offer a wide range of education, research and activities in the fields of animals, animal welfare, botany and our environment. Aeres TCI extends this statement by offering practical education in a real life context; Learning by doing.

Professionals all over the world want solutions to increase and improve their production. We offer extensive practical training and more. Using our different trainingprogrammes, it is our goal to help you prepare for today’s poultry, pigs, and feed industry. We do this through the innovative and international programmes we offer for:

  • Organizations
  • Government
  • Educational institutions
  • Individual professionals

Solutions for your organization

Aeres TCI consists of the expertise fields, pig, poultry and feed. We offer trainingprogrammes, courses, consultancy and development projects for companies, organizations, government and individual professionals all over the world. With us you gain required knowledge and skills which can be used directly in your work. To find the answers to questions like:

  • How can you reduce costs of production?
  • How can you increase the yields?
  • How can you improve the quality?
  • Besides these important subjects Aeres TCI also provides curriculum development and refresher courses. Why is that important? In this way you retain the existing knowledge and skills, get the
  • best out of your people, but also stay updated with the latest developments and technologies.


For example if you want to improve the level of skills of your staff Aeres TCI is able to provide a completely adjusted programme especially for your staff. We have expertise on subjects as;

  • Housing stystems for layers,pullets, broilers and parent stock
  • Climate standards
  • Ventilation systems
  • Orienting on marketing opportunities
  • Making a business or marketing plan