Tailor made programme Bénin 2024


In March 2024 Teus Korevaar, Josje Hakker and Cheick Ahmed Ouattera went to Bénin to perform 2 weeks of training in Porto Novo at “L’Université nationale d’agriculture  UNA”. During those 2 weeks we trained 22 participants about entrepreneurship, blended learning, teaching techniques and technical pig and poultry knowledge.

The part about entrepreneurship was performed by Mr. Cheick Ahmed Ouattera from Burkina Faso, who did a wonderful job, not only by sharing his knowledge about entrepreuneurship, his own experiences as an African entrepreneur, but also by providing the necessary translation into French.

Besides the practical training about teaching methods, poultry and pigs, we also managed to visit some farms to gain more knowledge about pig- and poultry keeping circumstances in Benin.

This training was all about how could you put more practical knowledge into a course program and to give farmers, entrepreneurs and teachers the tools to make a successful business. The teachers learned a new, more practical approach to teach future students.

To be able to give some practical lessons as well, trips were made to the local poultry market to provide us with some training materials.



Talent for growth